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Joined: 04 Mar 2004
Posts: 196

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:14 pm



My name is Mark and i am the guy who sold Soneji the phase one white 16 valver or as our great cars creators would say " le phase un blanc siexiemme soupape", wee bit o french there, wrong spelling of course but close enough the only reason i know this is because when i first bought the car i wanted to have sixteen valve written along the sideskirts in french, just one of the mad ideas i had for the car and believe me there was many but all thankfully were never carried out much to my better half's delight and no doubt Soneji's delight now, anyway i looked it up and siexiemme soupape was french for 16v hence the french renault 19 16s but you all probably know what 16s was anyway. The white chamade is not the only ren ive owned i currently drive my darling blue phase 2 93 k plate, i also have another phase 1 19 hatchback its in some distress and lies garaged up oh and its in that shocking red they for some reason released, what was that all about is it just me that thinks that? probably is ive just got a thing about red cars, ive also owned a g reg 5t bloody thing nearly killed me in fact im no even gawn back doon THAT memory lane. there was the 21 turbo aswell it was superb mallarky shame about the shell though the engine was sweet but it was falling apart around it so it was'nt too long in my possesion when the bravery ran out and the close shaves were getting to close, you could hear and feel the chassis twisting and creekin on corners towards the end of its days it was not a driving confidence builder l can tell you but dont get me wrong in a straight line it was rellentleslly forthcomin with the horses in fact i took the guy that bought the engine up the M9 at 140 odd and it was one of those quiet sunday mornings when there was zip on the road and were sittimg at @ 140 and things are starting to vibrate and suddenly there was three cars sitting in the fast lane, by this time the grin from ear to ear on my passenger the engine purchaser's face had turned to restrained panic he he just thinkin back anyway i had to undertake the all and just as i swerved into the slow lane the body kinda twisted a tad and the back window popped out and flew off into the rear horizon i thought he was going to pass away it was soooo funny. so that was the 21 and thats all the rens i have owned. my current p2 has got a couple of additions under the bonnet pipercams, superchip, k+n and a triple head gasket. its supported on each corner by spax and pretty much slammed as much as the rims would let me oh but i raised the front a tad to give the goosed engine mounts a break, mmmmmm must change them. all those nasty gasses leave this particular little darling through the scorpion exhaust system and all of these collectively dart from a 2 b on 17in league rims ( tyres r a bit uncle bucked right enough ). apart from that a few decals and thats it i love her dearly. going to get her painted soon just dont know what colour also im very intersted in getting her turbo'd up.
well thats well enough of my auto history i'll finish with saying hello to everyone and i look forward to witnessing the growth and popularity thats bound to befall Retro-Renault. i would also like to say it was great meeting you George, Chris and indeed Amber and im very happy that my baby of nearly ten years went to a mucho good home and into the hands of someone renault righteous. cheers guys. Laughing

Last edited by chamadyelook on Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:25 pm; edited 10 times in total
Forum Moderator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 1356

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:05 pm

Hello! Aye the story about your 21 was a bit reminiscent of yesterdays towing fun! Turned out that we didn't need the second rope we got, managed too keep it tight enough.. even when overtaking Mercs at 65-70mph on the way home! Very Happy Confused Changed all the locks on her just a few hours ago, need to do the ignition still but the boot and doors now work off the one key. Keep looking in the Project / Progress bit for updates... when I've got her screaming along I'll pop by and let you see..... Cool
Chris H
Forum Moderator

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 19978

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:11 pm

Alrighty Mark. You sure type a lot!

Aye was fun last night getting his car back, managed nigh on 70 a few times, the steering wheel came off on him etc Got a few funny looks tankign by people towign another car like!

Back from his, replaced all the locks with the ones from my blue 16V, so the cars secure now.

My blue 16V is fast disappearing now.

Like George said keep an eye on the progress pages everyone!
Chet T16

Joined: 12 Feb 2004
Posts: 5685

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:39 pm

Hahaa the 21 story is class!

Hello matey, nice of you to join us. I have to say i told george he was mad when he showed me the pics of his new 19 Embarassed

Hopefully it'll be alright in the end tho!
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:00 pm

hiya boyo....nice to meet you....good stories...i too also have a 19 16v...class cars aint they.

cya round

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