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Joined: 01 Mar 2004
Posts: 458

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:00 am

Neal just touched upon voting in another thread, thought i'd just see what peoples genral feeling was. not big into politics but a subject that always raises some interesting issues.
would add a poll but can't seem to find the option!
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Joined: 02 Oct 2004
Posts: 1575

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:09 am

Shocked dangerouse Shocked Shocked this could cause a riot, could be the end of RR as we know it Exclamation
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:15 am

i am not interested in politics...ppl say i should be but i know nothing about it so i think i would rather not vote than vote blindly
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Joined: 01 Mar 2004
Posts: 458

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:24 am

That's very well but then you realise you can't moan too much about the state of the country. I know one vote won't make much difference but at least you can try. i don't know a great deal but if our generation don't get involved then the country will stay this way/ deteriorate. only problem is all the MP's are arseholes that don't really understand reality.
Sic Puppy
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Joined: 01 Feb 2005
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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:27 am

We need some MPs under the age of 40 me thinks Cool
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:28 am

like i said id rather not make an ignorant vote just so i can say i have voted when i do not understand what i ma voting for....

i can moan...moan about how everyone else has handled it...Very Happy

who do u vote for?
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Joined: 02 Oct 2004
Posts: 1575

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:40 am

what we need is a Petrol Heads Party, one that will forward the needs of petrol heads every where. guess I should have been a politician Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
Posts: 7432

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:01 am

Right where to begin

by saying i will vote conservative, that is not strictly set in stone just yet....just not labour. I dont trust Michael Howard either for a number of reasons, but I vote for a government as a whole, not just a PM. Outside possibility is lib dems, Charles Kennedy seems a little better, need to investigate them a bit more.

My main issues with Labour are:

Asylum: I dont think i even really need to broach this subject, the current system is an absolute joke. Being a tax paying British person is becoming the worst thing to be in this country.

The labour nanny state utopia: Christ, enough! Political correctness? oh, just fuck right off! I also find Trevor Philips and the CRE highly distasteful, not to mention pointless.

Crime: Maybe I have a limited understanding of things, but surely the victim of crime should have more rights than the perpetrator? Tony doesn't think so. The Human Rights act I agree with on certain level, but not the way it is implemented to the letter and allowed to be called upon by any little gobshite when they need to get out of trouble.

The thing closest to my own heart really is Labours total disregard for the engineering/manufacturing sector. They seem to think that you can run an entire economy on the services sector (and mainly financial services at that) at the expense of all else. They are keen to trumpet the strength of the economy under them, but they inherited an economy on the up from the Tories! They lower unemployment by creating loads more jobs in the public sector....who pays for those? Yes, the tax payer!

Lets look at 2 of the most technologically advanced, economically rich countries in the world... Japan and Germany. Both were pretty much razed to the ground by the end of world war 2, and Japan was mostly slums before. In just 60 years, how have they reached their positions? Yes, by realising that its a good idea to make something and sell it to the rest of the world.

Basically their continued and concerted effort to turn the UK into a third world country.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2004
Posts: 1575

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:19 am

All i'll say neal is I left school in 1980 and wanted to be a draughtsman only thanks to the then govenment aprenticeships were stopped. I am not a draughtsman. enough said Exclamation
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:37 am

I will also add that the whole MRSA debate is a bit of a nonsense, as the conservatives are just preying on the public's lack of understanding of the problem by saying that under labour hospitals are more dirty. The whole point is that MRSA exists because it is resistant to disinfectants used etc. so unless the conservatives are planning to invent a new Uber-chemical, they cant do that much more.

This is one of the reasons i dont trust Michael Howard, he just goes on about what Labour are doing wrong rather than actually saying what he will do right.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2004
Posts: 1575

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:19 am

VOTE PETROL HEADS Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Wicked Neo
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Joined: 04 Jan 2005
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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:24 am

any MP that comes near my door asking for my vote this year needs to watch out!

Tax on Petrol - fucking joke, its does not need to be at like 78%, they say the money is spent on improving roads, bullshit, it is spent on causing hours and hours worth of traffic jams whilst they dig up the road to put in piezo detectors and cats eyes containing speed cameras!

Speed Camera's - fucking joke, improve road safety ? my arse, causes more accidents than anything, why bother putting 16 cameras on a strech of 2 lane highway which is 40 miles long, almost dead straight, in the middle of nowhere (Dundee to Aberdeen) and not put any cameras near schools in built up areas? Answer - to make more bloody revenue!

Council Tax - fucking joke - £711 a year for what? 2 lots of binbags a year? to give traffic wardens digital cameras ? and for the binmen to come round once in a blue moon

Crime - What crime, all the police seem to do to meet thier targets is pick on motorists, the murderers, rapists, robbers, muggers all seem to get away scott free.
Our policeforce, hey don't worry about solving real crime, you just sit there in your nice warm comfy high powered cars paid for by US and then pull me over for being 4 mph over the speed limit why don't you.

Immigration - fucking joke - now don't get me wrong, i'm no racist but i am fed up to the back teeth of paying my hard earned wages into TAXs so that immigrants can get a free house, with huge payouts and benefits, sit on thier arse's doing nothing but playing on thier state bought X boxes, getting pissed and smoking and wearing expensive clothes and then look on me as if i am a piece of shit cos i was fucking born here!

Royality - fucking joke, again why should i pay my hard earned wages into taxes so they can travel worldwide, have luxury lifestyles, have fancy weddings, get pissed and hit ppl and not face criminal charges when i have to worry about how the fuck i am gonna pay my council tax bill!

i could go on and on and on BAH!
Roger Red Hat
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Joined: 13 Oct 2004
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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:09 am


i agree with everything neal and neo say..

how ever, i also sit on the same side as JB..

as i dont really know much about it, i also dont know who is going to change what, etc. so, i dont see the point in voting unless i know what exactually is going on.

1 thing tho, is like neo and neal, and i belive chris once said.

get caught speeding = fine + possible ban + possible imprisonment depending on the situation.

kill some one, by accdent cos you where mugging them...well need i say more?

reckon we shuold bring back the death punishment?

i personally say no, but life shuold
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Joined: 25 Nov 2004
Posts: 350

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am

david3533 wrote:
VOTE PETROL HEADS Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

here here! Cool

if the monster raving looney party can have a stab at running for government, i reckon the petrol heads party can too! all you'd have to say is you'll cut fuel costs and you'll have a landslide majority vote! Laughing i'd vote for ya!
Forum Moderator

Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:18 am

william wrote:
all you'd have to say is you'll cut fuel costs and you'll have a landslide majority vote!

sadly, this is probably true...
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Joined: 10 Jun 2004
Posts: 2317

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:39 pm

I'll be voting Conservative...(I bet you saw that one coming didn't you william!) If you want a change in government, who else is there to vote for? Mabe RR should pool its efforts a field a candidate...
Gentle Ben
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
Posts: 2281

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:04 pm

I know I'm drunk but everything in this country is bent....

Religion - Christianity is the main faith followed by religious people in Britain yet all we hear about is kiddie-fiddling bishops and such-like.

Police - I've hear the Police are paid off by notorious individuals to keep schtum about all their questionable activities...

Crime - As far as I can see it crime is only getting worse, despite the statistics the Governement puts out. I can see why old biddies are scared when they leave their homes. The only time I feel safe on the streets at night is when I'm I am now! Also see: Police.

Things this country needs to act on....

Immigration - I know it's an old argument, but the fact is the UK is still a small country geographically. We can only accomodate and support 'x' amount of people.

Crime - I personally believe the root of 90% crime is drug-related. I'm not saying it's necessariuly user-related, because I have two friends who only do weed and don't bloody burgle people's homes to fund their habit. I'm more concerned with who the money goes to, and what they do with it....

The Justice System - The general feeling I get these days, is that the justice system is all to ready to jump to the aid of attackers and not victims. People who break into people's houses are seemingly perfectly eligible for legal financial aid to fight their cases yet the victims of such crimes generally seem to face the brunt of any punishments. The Tony Martin case seems to exemplify my point perfectly. I say that not because the trespasser Martin shot - Barras - lived in my hometown, but his accomplice, Fearon also lives in my hometown, and basically received something in the order of £10K to fight his case (losing the use of one-leg and being wheelchair-bound as a result of being shot in the leg by Martin) in court despite his court case argument being found to be untrue (he was photographed walking his dog and riding a bike if I remember correctly).

Anyway I'm drunk and I'm probably getting far too carried away, so i shall leave it there. Consider thjis post food for thought if nothing else lol!
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:25 am

camt be arsed readin all that but i did see the PETROLHEADS bit Laughing ill vote petrol heads!

one way i look at it if u care about it so much, spend time researching the option, getting to know all the pros and cons of one make ur mind up to vote...

then someone like me who doesnt have a clue ends up choosing the opposition to vote for, your carefully chosen vote has instantly been cancelled out!
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