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Joined: 10 Jun 2004
Posts: 2317

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:44 pm

Right, about an hour ago I get a phone call off the missus saying she's been attacked. Seeing as she lives a mere 500 yards from me I go outside, place is swarming with police (small village, 3 police cars ).

Anyway, turns out, she and her m8's were minding their own business in a 306 up the road when a group of drunk local youths start banging on the window, anyway, they get out the car, fight ensues (dont know the details)

They manage to get home (about 100 yards down road) the youths follow and smash their door and from what i can understand the mother was hit too.

Now is it me, but i cannot for the life of me understand the mentality of these youths! fuckin out drinkin at 1am, all of em around 16-17 years old!

Good bloody job i never caught hold of em, or the police would have been the least of their f**** worries! As many poeople on this forum have said (neal and chris stand out in my mind) this country is really going down hill! This is a rural welsh village...supposed to be safe! my arse is it!

Rather annoyed!

Rant over


Wicked Neo
FCS Event Manager

Joined: 04 Jan 2005
Posts: 3680

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:50 pm

woah dude, i know u just told me in msn about this, glad they are ok thou
Roger Red Hat
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Joined: 13 Oct 2004
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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:52 pm

i bet, it was chavvy scum.

i just reckon it was.

god knows what huw would of done if he caught him..

prolly the same as me if i had of.

make hand into fist, and thrust fast into there face many times.

sorry to hear..
Gentle Ben
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
Posts: 2281

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:39 pm

That's hurrendous man! The behaviour of youths in this country is what we get for letting 14 and 15 year olds have kids.....where does good parenting get passed on in all of it?

Hope your good lady is okay Huw, if you find the cunts, make sure a kneecap or two goes astray!
Self Proclaimed Comic Genius

Joined: 04 Jul 2004
Posts: 3482

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:29 pm

As soon as I can (Family conserns mean I have to stay at the moment) I will move abroad, dont know when, but I even give up buying a paper now, because there is never any good news.

I feel for you man, if I ever had anything happen to my family I have to say I wouldn't rest until these scum got the message they deserve, the only way they understand,

Heard on the news this morning about a group of 11 and 12 year old boys and girls who attempted to murder a five year old boy, by hanging him, after beating him, pure sick evil bastards!!

All this softly softly approach by the police and government is not working, this country is going to the fuckin dogs and as soon as I can I will be out of here and I wont look back!
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Joined: 28 Jan 2005
Posts: 3547

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:57 pm

i had some kid bulleying my sister when she was in primary school, i was about 14 at this time, but she would always come home crying beacuse of them, so i had to do something about it, i ended up finding the main culprit fir it, and duct taping him to a lamp post on a main road, in the middle of December! left him there for about an hour, then let him down, i warnded him if he went anywhere near my sister again, he wouldn't be walking with out walking sticks!
Chris H
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:33 am

Huw your mrs should never have gotten out of the car she should have just drove away. If she had run them over sure she would go to court etc but she wouldn't have been hurt.

She might have got time for it but thats how fucked this country is.

I am in court today and who knows if I will be out this evening. I can't fart without getting a summons.

I also know how it works.

For example these youths that done it, if its their 1st offence and they admit it then the charges will be dropped and they will get off with a caution only. Its only if they deny it will it go to court. Also if they admit it and are let off its YOU that has to pay for any damage to the car etc.

Also if you get caught speeding or anything you get hit hard, I know, been there done that got the ban's etc. You can get the jail for quite a long time for speeding.

If you go kill a baby you get 2 years, get out in 18 months or if the paper work is messed up you walk free.

Go out steal an old grannies handbag but break her hip and disslocate her shoulder and take her £4 then you get 80 hours community service. I got 150 hours community service for aleged dangerous driving!

This countries a joke if you can get out asap and don;t look back.

I have my aunt coming over from austrailia and shes not been here for nearly 10 years, it will shock them how far down the pan this countries gone.

I also heard on the radio about the girls and the boy who hung the 5 year old, hang them I say. If they can do it they can have it done to them.

Youth of today disgust me. Not far from where Amber and I live Graham with the cabrio mum live there, anyway house on the corner near the shop, young single mum with 2 kids, the local neddy fucking arseholes kept throwing bricks through the kids windows, yes the bricks had hit the kids and they req'd stiches even the coupel of month old baby.

The police wouldnt do anything no neighbours were stopping them etc.

Graham saw it happen one day ran over to the biggest punched him and started stamping on his head (quite fucking right if I was there I would have jumped on it), the rest of the 20 or so decided they would have a go at graham, thankfully the neighbours all came out then and no one else kicked off, now theres no trouble there. Graham never got arrested or anything as he would have gone for attempted murder on a sweet innocent young man. But they tried, only when the neighbours etc said some other big ned done it did they release him.

Police won't do anything, if they get caught they get released and carry on doing it. You try and get justice you get the fine/ban/jail etc.

If it wasn't so dire it would be laughable.
Level 10 User

Joined: 05 Mar 2005
Posts: 570

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:34 am

I'm 17 and I am appalled at some of the youths living round here.

I was brought up to respect elders and people, but I know what you mean there is an 9 year old kid at the end of my mates road who told me, and I quote....

"fuck off you twat"

He's a little cunt I might run the ferker over next time Evil or Very Mad
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
Posts: 7432

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:24 am

To be honest, if i had been able to stick 2 fingers up at the authorities/teachers etc. when i was a kid and say "you cant touch me, im too young, so fuck you, what you going to do about it", then i probably would have.

But thats not how it was when i was a kid (and for those who dont know, it wasnt even that long ago, i'm only 25), if you did something wrong you got your arse kicked, either by the wronged party or your own parents.

If a kid does something bad these days, the parents automatically stick up for them regardless. Whenever i got a slap from someone for stepping out of line, the last thing i would do is go and tell my parents, as they would know id been up to no good and give me another slap. Course, discipline itself has been outlawed now, no smacking etc. I was smacked and damn right too, sometimes that was the only language i would understand.

The police are not only trying to deal with the little neds, but their parents as well.
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:29 am

i agree with fact i think i will just let neal talk for i have opinions but lack the ability to express them..neal seems to do it just right Smile

these days ur afraid to have any sort of rough and tumble with ur kids...u have a play fight or just a rough game of footie, put a bruise on them, they go to school, nosey teachers can alert the authorities suspecting feckin abuse at home!

sad state of affairs...i fear how worse can it get....whats it gunna be like in say 10 yrs or 20....when things have seemed to have gone so shit in a small space of time.
Self Proclaimed Comic Genius

Joined: 04 Jul 2004
Posts: 3482

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:34 am

Totally agree Neal, The parents need sorting out too, being a parent I do worry about the kids but we have brought them up to respect their elders as we have quite a few elderly in our family.

I have to say it is nice when people say how polite and well behaved they are (Must not have got that from me) but some of the other kids around the same age in out area need a good sorting out, well I suppose what goes around comes around, I just hate to think of what the country will be like when I am in my 70's.

41 years from now Shocked oh shit
Chris H
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 19978

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:35 am

kids in scotland still get a slap round the head.

When I have kids bloody right they'll get a belt round the heed if they do daft stuff.

My mum still beats me. But I hit her back same with my sister.

I take em both on.

All good fun you understand.
Wicked Neo
FCS Event Manager

Joined: 04 Jan 2005
Posts: 3680

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:54 am

we have two chav familys in my street, they live oppisite each other and are all mates so they are always out in the street drinking cheap cans of lager, shouting back and forth across the road to each other, when the blokes have had a few they hassle any female that walks past no matter the age.
they have about 7 kids between them too, the lads play football in the street, about 8 years old i guess and they have no respect for property, lost count of the amount of broken windows round here, then there is the cars, they kick the ball to bounce it off the cars, the girls, aged 3 to 5 from a guess just run about too with total lack of road safety.
My street is a busy street and i am dreading that one day i'm gonna hear the screch of brakes as some poor sod runs one of those kids over.
not the little girls fault or the drivers fault either but thier chav parents who are happy to let them run around and play on a busy road.
they just sit there with thier cheap beer and happy hardcore music being blasted out.
The police are always there, spesh on dole day when they all get very drunk and run riot.
got a new dent in the door of my car from a shopping trolly that has been in thier front garden for a few days, they decided late saturday night to push each other around the road in it, my car was not the only one hit.
No one saw them hit the cars but all the neighbours here know its them.

we have a huge recreation ground only 10 mins walk from here where the kids could play, but cos the parents cant be arsed to take them, they play in the street.
I've almost come to blows with them a few times cos of their actions, throwing stones at each other across the road, kicking cans, breaking furniture and all the debris either gets thrown or kicked and quite often hits someones car, even those that are driving past and when someone does have a go, suddenly they are surrounded by the whole chav gang including the women.
The council cant do nothing because they are in private rented houses paid for by the social.

None of the neighbours are happy with them but as long as the rent gets paid thier landlord does not care (we have all complained to thier landlord before to get them out).

both their immediate neighbours have thier houses up for sale and have been for a good few months, propestive buyers see the chavs and lose all interest.
The police cant do anything either, they get called out, get the music turned down, give the chavs a warning and go again, within 10 mins its back to how it was.

Citizens advice beauru is next port of call to see what can be done to get them evicted.
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:33 am

horrible innit...horrible. and like someone said...u go and say to their parents "ur kids are throwing stones at my car" they will stand up for them and try and fight you!

burn the lot of them...drop small atom bombs on prime locations to wipe out large numbers in one go.
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Joined: 23 Jan 2005
Posts: 502

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:17 am

Fuck! I’m useless at communicating.

Can’t spell worth a shit.

Here we go.

There are no problems only solutions to be found.

Ok, this may work for a small individual problem, this is too big.

The 1970’s were the start of the parent offspring breakaway period.

Drugs and rock and roll, girls are not stupid.

Probably already shot my self in the foot with that one.

Then the whole Maggi Thatcher break the union thing.

My parent’s told me that if I got a good job, it would be a job for life.


Now it’s dog eats dog as far as getting a job goes.

The British economy is better than the French Euro model.

The whole Europe thing was getting to big (east wise).

You end up with with young revolutionaries.

As I was.

Job for life, who wants that.

Not getting in to the Europe yes no thing.

But go to Spain now, nice new roads ect,.

You want to pay for all that for every thing east.

The kids need motivation.

That’s the basis of the problem.

They have to find it for them self’s.

Climbing Ben Nevis is cool.

But they need interesting thing to do.

Which pay.

Here here for Chris H.

Although it seems he has learnt from past mistakes

70 s cool
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Joined: 10 Jun 2004
Posts: 2317

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:12 am

She's just seen her attackers in the street; they threatened to kill her. Oh what a lovely country we live where's the exit? Anyone fancy some vigilante style RR action? Kelos Borders then West Wales Razz
Self Proclaimed Comic Genius

Joined: 04 Jul 2004
Posts: 3482

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:14 am

Maybe Chet's rally car could do some target practise!
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Joined: 23 Jan 2005
Posts: 502

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:26 am

Not good

Call the police

If they do nothing


Not before
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Joined: 28 Jan 2005
Posts: 3547

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:02 am

im up for wales! thats not that far from me, i'll take someone with me who does knee capping etc for a living, so it'll be £50 so they cant walk again with out an aid.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2005
Posts: 569

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:39 am

Bring back hangings and the cain. You need to sort the fucks out as they are growing up. Teach them respect. Think how bad parents are now, then think how bad it's going to be when this neew breed is running the country.

It's all PC, mamby pamby shit. I mean ffs you can't even slap your kid if they're misbehaved. Ffs, why even bother. Kick the shits into shape when they're young, it's the only way Evil or Very Mad
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Joined: 28 Jan 2005
Posts: 3547

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:09 am

yep i agree there!
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