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 wrecked engine saga
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Level 7 User

Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 243

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 10:54 am

ok, here goes, its a long story;

2weeks ago i got the polished inlet and rocker cover back from the polishers. it had been sand blasted inside and out, and the exterior polished to a mirror finish. i asked the bloke if the insides needed cleaning out first, but i was told that he air lined it thru, so it was free of crap. excellent.

so i stuck it all on, and away it went. first thing that i noticed, was a steam/smoke/gas being emitted from the breather hose by the TB(i wasnt running airbox wen i first started it up). i thought this jsut moisture being burnt off.

anyway, i drove the car for a few days, and then decided to give it an oil change. wen draining the oil, i notcied and ally type sludge on the sump plug, like a layer of wet paint. this was in the oil as i drained it out. i gev it a flush thru with some cheapy oil, wacked some proper stuff in, and that was that. the odd thing was that it still "smoked" from the breather hose, tho not as much.

the car drove fine for the next week, tho it still puffed the white gas from the breathers wenever i checked it.

then, last wednesday, went to drive the car to work, and all hell broke loose. engine staretd up fine, oil pressure was low, but i thought it was a dodgy gauage, so it didnt bother me. drove down to the end of the main road, the oil pressure light came on, and the engine started tapping over 2k revs. so i turned round, and limped it home. drove it about a mile with little or no pressure. engine was quiet under 2k revs, so thats where it stayed.

thjis week i started the strip down. had to remove engine to remove sump, bloody cars. removed the sump, layer of sludge in the bottom, tho the strainer on the oil pick up is clear. stripped the pump down, and the gears r a bit worn(new pump, only done 10k miles), tho theres no blockage anywhere in the pump.

removed the main bearing caps, and theres little wear on the bearings or journals. only thing i noticed, was the aux shaft was hard to turn, but thats been traced to the bearing running dry from no oil, it now moves freely. gunna check the big end tomorows, and strip the block down for a jet wash of all the galleries.

has any1 got an ideas as to why id get no oil pressure, even tho the pump sucks up the oil fine? dusnt make sense

Level 7 User

Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 243

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 11:59 am

ok, well i jsut tested the oil pump out, stuck the pick up in a vat of gbox oil and spun it on a drill. sucks up the oil jsut fine, so the pump works, tho the scoring where the pump gears are, makes me think it was spining without oil, so god knows wats going on here.

Chris H
Forum Moderator

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 19978

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 1:59 pm

firstly whenever you get anythign back like that you clean it out, always do that.

Low pressure, the relief valve sticking open?

A bearing gone somwehere means the pressure will drop a good bit.

You have sprayed the crap from the rocker cover through the engine so there will probably be blockages here and there and damage all over the shop.
Level 7 User

Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 243

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 2:12 pm

u referring to the valve on the pump itself? seemed fine wen i had a look today, didnt appaear to be stuck or anything.

cud a blcoked oil filter cause that sorta problem as well?

Level 7 User

Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 243

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 2:26 pm

hmmm, ok well i jsut stripped down the pressure relief valve on the pump. spring and end piece came out no probs. but the plunger itelf took some persuading to slide out. so my reckoning is that it got some crap stuck along its bore, wich held it open. theres some light scoring along the plungers length. give it a rub down tomroow.
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 3:09 am

as i said...its a shame u cant prove anything cos by the sounds of it these fuckers have more or less fucked your engine over.
Chris H
Forum Moderator

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 19978

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 3:35 am

aye jimbo sounds like the relief valve stuck open.

There will be damage elsewahere in all probability.

Blocked oil filter will just oipen the bypass and let all the shite go through the engine from the valve cover. Or the paer would burst and clog oil ways which will make the pressure rocket.
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