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 cold start problem...
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Forum Moderator

Joined: 18 Feb 2004
Posts: 7432

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 10:29 am

ok this might be something really obvious but...

when i first start the car from cold, it takes a good few attempts to get it going. When it does finally run constantly without stopping its as though its running on 2 cylinders. Give it some revs and it goes to 3.. then 4. Let it drop back to idle and its rough as shit.

Once its warm, it runs flawlessly, no hunting or anything. Ive checked the cold start injector and its plugged in Smile

Ill gap the plugs properly tomorrow, but until then I just thought one of you guys might know something i dont (well, you know lots of stuff that i dont, but something relevant to this problem please lol)
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:09 am

maybe the fifth injector is clogged or something...faulty coolant temp switch....
Level 7 User

Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 243

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:27 am

unplug the wiring plug to the cold start injector, see if that solves it. if it fixes it, your coolant temp sensor is duff, so ul need a new one.

Chet T16

Joined: 12 Feb 2004
Posts: 5685

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 10:11 am

What jimbo said

I think its the sensor with the white plug on the thermostat housing, its been so long i forget Sad
Level 7 User

Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 243

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 10:30 am

that is correct chet
Forum Moderator

Joined: 18 Feb 2004
Posts: 7432

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:59 am

ok i unplugged the cold start injector, and that has made it better, but still not right.

That suggests that im on the right track, so do you guys reckon if i got a new coolant temp sensor and reconnected the cold start injector that would sort it?

Out of interest, how does the cold start injector actually make it harder to start when cold (when the coolant temp thing is busted)?
Chris H
Forum Moderator

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 19978

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:08 am

cold start injector will be flooding the engine.

get a new temp sensor and don't bother with the 5th injector. Its not needed, the cars start just fine on 4 injectors at -22 degrees, I know cos I started my old black one back last century when it was colder than moscow in glasgow.
Forum Moderator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 1356

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:27 am

Can you just disconnect the 5th?
Forum Moderator

Joined: 18 Feb 2004
Posts: 7432

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:35 am

How much can i expect to pay for the temp sensor?

Why did they go to hassle and expense of putting in the 5th injector?

Does it ever serve any real purpose (if not cold starting)?

Does it affect fuel economy (assuming everything is working correctly)?

And because im missing RSC... wot (I mean what really) type ov lexus lights do u fink i shud get? Wink

Question questions questions!

Oh by the way Chris... I loved your contribution to the 'gays' thread on RSC last night.... pure quality. I rarely laugh out loud at things i read on internet forums. Shame it disappeared before i could throw in my tuppence worth Sad
Chris H
Forum Moderator

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 19978

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:39 am

yuo can just dissconnect the power plug to it. Unplugging the fuel to it means dissconnecting the line and blocking it.

Its there to ensure easy cold starting no matter how cold it is.

Temp sensor is about 15quid from renault.

Only used for cold starting but you can stick in a manual switch and flick it on to get a bit more at high revs (they lean off)

If its working right it won't affect economy. it shoudl be totally off when the coolant reaches 20 degrees.

Why thank you, its hard you know, fighting the good fight for our children.
Forum Moderator

Joined: 18 Feb 2004
Posts: 7432

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 9:38 am

so the one with the white connector on it is the coolant temp sensor, right?

whats the other sensor for? the one with the round brown (iirc) connector. Temp readout on dash?
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
Posts: 7405

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:27 am

yeah temp readout on the dash...

its the connector to the front of the housing... should only be about 8 quid from gsf...and if ur quick u can change it without drainin coolant...

i unplugged my 5th injector for a while once ..made no diff to starting i plugged it back in lol
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