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 Advice from the H
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Chris H
Forum Moderator

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 19978

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:15 am

I am the H as some of you call me! lol

Anyway my advice, do not ever help anyone ever under any circumstances.

Theres little to be gained if anythign to be gained.

You have to deal with fucking moronic people.

They ask the same questions over and over again.

They expect you to fix/solve any problem there and then in an instant.

you may become damaged yourself, went over on my ankle AGAIN (its fucking agony).

They are no longer happy when the issue is not resolved or you charge them for your time. They think you shouldn;t charge out for time if its not resolved, they are even less impressed when you mention you will sue them for your BUPA medical bills.

My point don't help anyone, it gets you nothing but hassle.

be a fucking arsehole, you seem to get much further being one of those.
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:23 am

Sage advice indeed...
Level 2 User

Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:19 am

Rolling Eyes

U don't really mean it chris....
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:21 am

He does... and he's right.
Self Proclaimed Comic Genius

Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:24 am

Oh yes!
Wicked Neo
FCS Event Manager

Joined: 04 Jan 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:35 am

i belive in karma, do someone a good turn and you will get some good luck in return.
it may not happen instantly (it may feel like it never happens at all but it does) but in general it always seems to pan out about equal.
Chris H
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:44 am

I have helped people my whole life and I am waiting for the good bit to come!

the whiole karma and heaven crap, I have been tolds I am a lovely man and will be rewarded in heaven - hmm. I want it now not when I'm dead thats not fair!
Wicked Neo
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:00 am

ahh i dont belive in heaven or god or the devil or any of that crap.

But i do belive in karma, i see it happening every day and yes there are times when i see everything piling up on top of me and i do wonder, then the next day something good will happen and its all equal again

Like at the mo, i have recived a bill from the council for £1200!!

Overpayment of housing and council tax benefit for whilst i had that small time of unemployment!

Got to tax the laguna (£93.50) and pay off my speeding fine (£200)

thats £1400 i have to pay out and that does not include all my other monthly bills ( i will take home £1400 this month lol)

so yeah thats pretty bad money wise for me at the mo but . . i also got a call today from a leading promotor in london who wants me to be a resident DJ at his club which means great exposure for my DJing and gets my name out there and means that with any luck i will be able to start earning some serious money doing what i enjoy.

its karma. yes i will be in shit for a month or 6 weeks but after that it will be all good again for a while
Chris H
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:06 am

well after nearly 23 years I am waiting for my good reward.

I fix peoples cars for practically free, i help old ladies cross the road, I help mums with prams up stairs, I help people take their shopping to their car and countless other stuff.

how do i get paid back, can't get a job, can't go self employed cos I might get into trouyble if shit happens then I will have knowingly let a business go to the wall which is illegal, my outgoings are nearly 50 quid more a month than my income, i don't get any help, I am stuck in a shithole town, managed to fuck things up with amber, I get the blame for anything and the police just arrest me if they are bored and so on. Go out the fucking country fix chets heater and fuck my ankle at nearly the top of the fucking hill and have to walk all the way back down ruining the other peoples day out.

So where the feck is my reward?

So fuck the karma shite, heaven and hell and the rest of it.

It doesn't get better - ever.
Wicked Neo
FCS Event Manager

Joined: 04 Jan 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:13 am

Well, you do have the respect of pretty much evey renault owner on loads of renault related forums for the help and advice you give out on those cars.
I know a lot of ppl on this forum for example would be only too willing to return your goodwill when you need something but its not often that you do need something from us.
As for amber and the money thing, we sadly cant help you with that.
If you was more local then i am sure ppl like neal and myself for example would be only too willing to help set you up with a garage, put in some wrench time as well, not only would it help you but that would be returned to us via karma, we would have a nice warm garage to work on our cars and have your expertise on hand 24/7 lol
Chris H
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:16 am

my piss is red today as well, what did I do to deserve that?

it doesn't work mate.

lets look at examples.

bill gates, theiving little prick thats not a multi billionairre. His horrible life eh, I wish mine was that horrible.

Hitler, wee bastard that brought the world very nearly to its knees, if he hadn't been such a muppet he would have won it.

Donald Trump, shrewd back stabbing bastard, trophy wife and more money than he knows what to do it.

need I go on?
Level 8 User

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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:16 pm

Firstly, do not doubt that God exists. A simple question that should start a train of thought confirming if He exists or not is, where did the earth/universe/etc. come from? Yes there might be some explanation as to how it progressed when it was in existence. But before that what happened? It wasn't always in existence.

To my mind this confirms there is a God.

Secondly to believe in Karma is unrealistic. Yes, there are examples of circumstances that support it, but there are an equal if not greater number that do not. Hence the opening post.

To combine these two points:
In the so called 'Christian' society we live in, there is a popular misconception that doing 'good' things will be rewarded by good things happening to the person. Ultimately leading to access to heaven if the balance is right.
This is rubbish. It is isn't what the Bible teaches, which is supposed to be the basis of the 'Christian' society.
After a person becomes a Christian, they already have access to heaven, they then do 'good' things because they want to follow the example given in the Bible, not because they are in some way earning their access to heaven. I can quote to support this if asked.

So although it seems logical that the more good people do, the more they should receive, it's just something somebody made up.

Then it is asked about seemingly evil/unpleasant/ruthless/cruel people doing well in the world. This happens, it happens more often than 'good' people doing well.

Think about this:
'Good' people will not compromise their morals/principles/beliefs/whatever to gain that ruthless edge, or clinch that back stabbing deal which will catapult them into a thriving business. So 'bad' people have more options open to them in business, and as a result have a greater edge over a 'good' person.
The examples of 'bad' people given are exceptional cases, which stretches what I have just said to the limit. Both Bill Gates and Donald Trump are very intelligent men (I don't know about Hitler!), this property combined with other attributes like leadership skills, negotiation skills, ambition etc. make then into very influential people who can, and will, do their utmost to succeed.

Anyone who has ever been in contact with the CEO of a company or senior management will see these elements to a lesser or greater extent.
I'm not saying they are all bad apples, but it definitely helps.

If someone wants to feel good about themselves, visit a hospital or day care centre for special needs people. It's a very humbling experience that will show them exactly how lucky they are.

I was watching a program about Iraq last night, there are people there that live without running water, electricity, sewage system, a car, a brick built house, maybe their brother or sister is dead because of no treatment for an easily cured disease, no parents, own only the clothes they have on their backs.

This is also so true for many countries in the world.

Contrast that with what we own/take for granted and have the freedom to do.

I don't have all the answers BTW, but that is how I see the situation.
Self Proclaimed Comic Genius

Joined: 04 Jul 2004
Posts: 3482

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:18 pm

Blimey Deep!

Interesting points though
Chris H
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:47 pm

go talk to soldiers from iraq, the popel live in squalor so they can just abotu in Audi TT's.

I have lived throguh having to share a bed with my mum and sister with no electricity etc so we didn't freeze to death etc.

So the humbling point is lost on me tbh.

I have been homeless with my mum and sister etc and know the shite life. So it doesn't make me feel good about anything.

I am not a religious man, if he exists why create such problems?

freedom? what freedom?
Level 8 User

Joined: 14 Apr 2004
Posts: 278

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:19 pm

go talk to soldiers from Iraq, the popel live in squalor so they can just abotu in Audi TT's.

I have lived throguh having to share a bed with my mum and sister with no electricity etc so we didn't freeze to death etc.

So the humbling point is lost on me tbh.

I have been homeless with my mum and sister etc and know the shite life. So it doesn't make me feel good about anything.

There are many many examples of extreme poverty homelessness and starvation throughout the world. Iraq was just one example.

I suppose the crux of one of my points on this was to illustrate how bad things can get. I'll give some more real examples:

My cousin works with street children in Brazil. These kids are either orphaned or kicked out by their parents because they have disabilities or the parents can't afford to keep them.
To survive they prostitute themselves on the street. I'm talking about young children here, rejected, exploited and abused. This is commonplace.
I have even heard of healthy children being deliberately maimed or disabled, so that they can get more money for their cruel masters when begging.

I know someone else who works with Gypsy and orphaned children, in Romania trying to steer them away from those things I have mentioned.

We are lucky we even have beds to sleep in.

Edit: Chinese people have a reputation for eating anything. We’re talking dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, birds, snakes, insects, etc. They eat the entire animal including the head, brains, eyes etc.
We find this absolutely disgusting, but why do they do it?

Extreme poverty.

Something most of us know very little about, as we can choose to eat garbage from Mc Donalds and other fast trash outlets, rather than the cheaper (and healthier) option of buying fresh food and cooking it ourselves.

I am not a religious man, if he exists why create such problems?

He gave His creation a free will. That’s where the problem began.

freedom? what freedom?

Most people can freely move around the UK, there is no ID card to carry (yet), most people can walk the length of their street without getting shot, we do not live under communism, it isn't a police state (yet). Believe me, there are worse countries than this.

I look at bad things happening as direction, guidance and testing, ultimately for me to learn, and to develop as a result.

Hope this helps.
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:56 pm

Stephen wrote:

I look at bad things happening as direction, guidance and testing, ultimately for me to learn, and to develop as a result.

Same here, although I don't believe that any God has anything to do with those things happening.
Roger Red Hat
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:15 pm

i belived in karma..but i never really seem to see anything good coming out of it for me..

god..thats a deep subject, cant say i do cant say i dont.

but as chris said, if there is such a thing..why all the wars? why all the shit that happens?

'to test us' so death is a way of testing? bit extream isnt it?

all i know is sometimes ill have EXTREAMLY shit luck..and some times the oppersit..

look at my renaults for example..bad with the crashes, and good with my peach of a valver i found.
Chris H
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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:07 am

only until you crash it roger
Mr Quoter-vator

Joined: 16 Feb 2004
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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:11 am

oh no a religious based debate...this is one with no end.

my opinion...religion is merely a crutch for ppl to have something to believe in and rely on to get them through life.

the bible is merely a book some clever person wrote to control ppl.

religion is to blame for a lot of the bad things in this world...war being the main one...

i just think it is a waste of time...

if i am good all my life, but do not believe in god, will i go to heaven?
Chris H
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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:15 am

dunno but right at the end you can believe in him and get in JB. Thats the rules I believe.
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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:21 am

Aye, that's a bit like the 'missionary paradox' JB

missionary paradox wrote:
A Christian missionary came to an aborigine tribe whose members have never heard of Christianity before. Having seen them practice many things that were a no-no to any good Christian, he started teaching them about Christianity. He also told them they had to change much of their behavior, otherwise they would end up in eternal damnation.

One day, the chieftain called the missionary and asked him if God was going to condemn people who were not following his teachings, providing these people had never heard of Christian teachings.

The missionary explained that God was merciful and would never condemn a person acting out of ignorance. As long as that person had never heard the Word of God, God would forgive him his sins.

The chieftain looked the missionary straight in the eyes, and said: "Then why did you come?"
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