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 Lower my Cabby....
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Level 2 User

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Posts: 41

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:53 pm

What do i need?
Is it just a case of changing the springs and off you go, or is it more to
Someone told me i have to adjust a beam/bar, wft is that?
Level 9 User

Joined: 03 Jul 2006
Posts: 412

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:20 pm

Lowering the front would be a case of replacing your springs with shorter ones. This in itself will lower the front but give you a firmer, less comfortable ride. Many people opt for springs which lower the front about 35mm, probably a fair compromise if you have to.

The rear suspension has no coil springs but instead a torsion spring (bar) between the rear wheel pivot point and the car itself. The rear wheels are on levers pivoting about this point (with dampers attached obviously). Imagine if you rotate the torsion bar you move the rear wheel up or down. Try having a look at your car to get a good idea!

Bear in mind the suspension is designed to allow any wheel to move up or down relative to the car in order to absorb undulations in the road surface and also to help keep the wheel in contact with the road surface as much as possible. Hence, the wheels have to be attached to the car by some flexible means - commonly, a spring and a damper. The spring provides a force on the wheel to keep it in its normal position, the damper stops the whole lot bouncing around like springs have a tendency to do! Boi-ing! If you lower the car you effectively reduce the amount of travel available to the suspension which means it will be less effective. This can however be countered to a certain extent with progressive springs (spring rate varies with strain) and suitable dampers. This is a fairly simplistic view, no doubt you'll get different advice from anyone you care to ask so do your best to read up on the subject on the internet - check the club sites, try Google and even ask real people what's best for your car!

Neal has a great picture of the whole beam in his progress report which you may have seen (cheers Neal):
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